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how do i find the code?

Hey close2! Are you referring to the game key? It's the unique code generated as part of your purchase. There are two ways to retrieve your game/download key:

A. Go to and select the down arrow key next to your profile -> My Library -> Download under the AI2U game title -> scroll down and click Claim your download key.

B. If you can't find it in your Download page, try visiting this support page and enter your email in Recover purchases by email.

Let us know how it goes! 🗝️🐱🔪


what can I do if my tokens run out?

also Cat Girl doesn't have any balloons in her apartment, can you add some as an update please?

here are some balloon shapes to work with, use any colors you like


Hey Samantha! Thanks for the balloons selection 🐱🎈 We'll see if if we can integrate any into future escape room puzzles!

Regarding tokens, you can repurchase them any time by buying the game again. You'll get the same amount you started out with, which typically support several hours of gameplay/chat with the AI.


I was thinking about the balloons for Cat Girl's apartment, not the future escape rooms

Oh!! Her apartment is spacious, but helium balloons might be out of the budget, given her recent pre-apocalyptic purchases! 🙀💸 We encourage you instead to convince her to visit your favorite balloon/crafts store so you can get the best ending in the game! 💖🔪


I'm asking for air filled balloons, not helium, a box of deflated balloons, and an air pump is what I'm suggesting in the first place


the helium tank can wait, in the meantime, how about an air pump to inflate the balloons?

When the user is out of tokens it would be much better instead of re-purchasing again you pay half the price for more tokens if you already own the game. 


will we one day be able to use the microphone in French like in the demo? I find it a shame that we no longer have this option

Hey Frite, thanks for playing! Fellow French players have brought this to our attention too; it's on our radar and we'll see what we can do to improve it in future updates. 💖

Hey Thank you very much for your answer ! It's great if it's in your future plans to add French, it would allow the French community to fully benefit from your game which is really great 😊

We appreciate your excitement to play with the catgirl, even while interactions aren't optimized in all languages yet! We appreciate your community's excitement to watch and play these adventures 💖🔪 We'll keep everyone posted about localization and other updates through our devlogs, email, social media, and Discord.

How the hell do I put this game in fullscreen?! I can't access half of the controls because it's in windowed mode!

Hey Torch 🔥 You should be able to use the icon at the top right corner in the title screen to adjust your screen—for reference, please check the corner marked with a blue square in the screenshot below. Depending on your OS, some hotkey options should also be available. If you're still having issues adjusting your screen/window size, kindly email and include your monitor specs and a screenshot of the game running on your desktop so we know which controls are out of reach. We'll do our best to help from there 😸🔪

Alt and Enter key at the same time. That tip works with all PC games stuck in window screen mode. 👍🏻


how i wish websites like this added alternative payment methods that didn't require a credit card


Hi Chijoha, you can also use PayPal to buy the game on! If PayPal isn't available to you, let us know what alternatives work best 💖🔪 We'll see what we can do as we consider more options in the future!


I'm afraid the services i tend to use for payment may be for just bigger companies, like Klarna, or just with bankcontact.

While i wish i could purchase it right away, my best bet would most likely to wait for the steam release which i'll gladly look forward to.

Thanks for sharing! We look forward to having you onboard when we release the AI escape room experience on Steam! 🚂🔮😻

Me again. Turns out i wasn't able to wait longer than 2 months and bought it anyways. :p

Those yandere eyes are too captivating to ignore ~ Enjoy gazing into them as she does the thing! 💖🔪


I think re-downloading for tokens. seems insufficent and tiresome. i suggest adding a regen count too make it easier and too take breaks. i hope that is added in the final games release.

Hey Prince Sheryar, thanks for your input on the current token replenishment journey! We're noting down your suggestion for our tokens/chat improvement efforts. We'd love for your adventures with the catgirl to run as seamlessly as possible 💖🔪

I can't find my redeem code

Thanks for letting us know! We replied to your comment here with quick instructions to find your code. Thanks for sharing your art and future chat plans with the catgirl! 😸🔪🎈


Code  not working...

Hey DoudRocks 🪨 Please reach out to using the email address you bought the game with; from there, we'll channel our yandere energy into fixing your game key! 💖🔪

Please fix the voice pick up, it seems to struggle to understand anything I say.

Hi gasmime! We know the voice option can be hit-or-miss, and we're committed to making it more user-friendly! On a scale of 1 to 10, can you please tell us how frequently it misinterprets what you say? We'll note down your feedback for our dev efforts to improve the feature 🔪✨

Deleted 113 days ago

Thanks for the feedback! Fellowfastspeakers on our team agree that the mic can be unforgiving at times. We'll work on improving it for all players 🤙🔪

(2 edits)

I am forced to make a second comment because I had to pay again to interact with the NPCs to see if they really improved like you say, and NO, it just made the AI worse, when I first bought it I could see the improvement compared to YAGS , not to mention that they implemented a mechanic that already existed in the Demo, Yes, I mean: "it's not too late to apologize" and "NPCs will no longer be impatient while the player writes" well, what a surprise, that last one doesn't work! BUT don't worry, I understand that it is still in beta phase, I am just giving my points that need to be improved and sorry for being a little arrogant, it is that buying tokens at the same price as the game instead of using our own API, I see it as unethical , I like the characters, they are cute, I like to interact with them from time to time, I just hope that the final product is really worth it.

and one more thing about local voice models.

haha really?

The truth is I never imagined doing a review of this type about a game that falls outside my standards. 😔👉👈

Hiii, thanks for the detailed review covering everything from your experience with both games and comparing the quality of the voice models—your meme really drove the message home! 🔮🧸

We appreciate your support and patience as we work to improve the open beta. If you email with more details about the apology/patience issues, we'll look into it and share a token of our appreciation! Brownie points if you include a clip of an NPC saying something goofy in the less-than-stellar voice model 💖🔪

My redeem code wont work. I put it in and it just wont work

Hey metajester! We'll make sure that redeem code kicks in 💖🔪 please email using the same email address connected to your purchase and we'll help you ASAP!

(1 edit) (+1)

I recently  played this game through a friends pc and i feel the game could be vastly improved on by removing the coin system or just making players use their open AI key like the original demo because the coin system makes it overall worse and then you are scrambling to use up as little interactions as you can and for people who would play through multiple times to see what happens it makes the game feel like its punishing us for liking the game a lot so if the game ever changes back to using your own open ai key or its just buy the game and free ai usage or at least having it be optional to use your open ai key then i would love to buy the game but until then i feel it is not worth it

Hiii, thanks for your feedback on your playthrough! We introduced tokens originally so players wouldn't have to rely on API keys, but we're learning that many of our community members prefer using their own 💖🔪 We'll see how we can make gameplay accessible for more players and if we can provide more options to chat with the NPCs. 

If you or your friend ran into issues with your token usage, please email with more details and we'll see what we can do to help. 

(2 edits)

i payed 10$ for the game, sighed in and it wanted some code ITS NOT SENDING A CODE. then the accaunt will still get created and when you log in you dont have any coins and it wants you to buy coins.

Hey CassoKayopia 🔮✨ The redeem code is the download key generated as part of your purchase. There are two ways to retrieve your game/download key:

A. Go to and select the down arrow key next to your profile -> My Library -> Download under the AI2U game title -> scroll down and click Claim your download key.

B. If you can't find it in your Download page, try visiting this support page and enter your email in Recover purchases by email.

Let us know how it goes! 😼🗝️


will a french version be released?

Hi Hanjo! AI2U doesn't have French localization yet, but our small team may consider adding it in the future! In the meantime, you can try chatting with the AI in French to see if they reply to you as non-native French speakers 💖🔪


What's the word on the Android version?


Hi! Our mobile dev efforts are focused on iOS, but we're hearing more and more from Android users wanting to play the game on their devices! We'll see what we can do if we continue to see interest in playing on Android 👾🔮

will i have to rebuy tokens on the steam version when it releases ?


Hi Timmy! We'll release more details about how the Steam version works closer to the game's release on there 🚂💖🔪


Game asks for 10 USD then asks you to spend more so you can keep playing using tokens you have to buy, lol. Scum.


Hi grim! To clarify, players get several hours of gameplay and unique conversations with the AI NPCs from their initial game purchase. Repurchasing tokens is optional if you'd like to revisit the NPCs after running out from many hours of escape room shenanigans 😼 We're also looking into alternatives and methods to make the player-AI interactions more accessible to everyone; we hope you'll stay tuned! 💖🔪


the token system is pretty scummy on a full priced game, a system like this should not be on a full priced product this is more akin to a free to play system but at the end of the day it is the devs choice


Thanks for sharing your thoughts! We break down how tokens work and why we've implemented them here. We understand this system isn't everyone's cup of tea, which is why we're researching ways to make it more accessible players everywhere. 💖🔪

before i buy this game, can i run it locally with ooga booga text generator or find a free API?

Hi (midevil)John! Chatting and playtime in AI2U are fueled by in-game tokens, including the 10,000 tokens that accompany your first purchase of the game 💖🔪 While AI2U doesn't have options for external API keys, its predecessor and demo—Yandere AI Girlfriend Simulator—is free to download and allows players to plug in their own OpenAI API keys to play. Hope that helps!

(1 edit)

i purchased the game... entered the redeem code... tried to shop... and redirects me right back to this page ... ugh what am i doing wrong?

Thanks for reporting this! If it's still giving you trouble, please email with more info so we can look into it. Ideally, kindly include a screen recording or screenshot that shows the loop you're experiencing.

We look forward to you kicking off your escape room adventures soon, so please reach out as soon as you can! 💖🔪

how do I get tokens>???


Hi 💖🔪 You get tokens by redeeming the game key connected to your purchase of the game! If you run into any issues, please email so we can help find your tokens.

Dont Trust It.

this game is evil

try to escape from the girl


Yessss! We can hear her iconic catchphrase right now 💖🔪


runs away from the girl


why do i have to buy tokens to keep playing if i knew that i wouldnt have played or bought the game


Hiiii 💖🔪 we broke down tokens and how they work in this post. The batch of tokens that come with your first purchase should last you several hours of gameplay, but if you have any concerns please email and we'll see what we can do to help!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

cant afford

(2 edits)

Will the Steam version still be $9.99 or will the price be different?

Hi! We'll share more info about the Steam version closer to its release, including the price and any notable differences between it and the open beta. Buying this version on ensures you'll get a Steam key at this price so you can kick off your escape room adventures on there more promptly. 🚂🔪

(1 edit) (+2)

Edit: Just got caught in a loop. 

I do think the time between when they aggro is too short, just not responding quick enough while I'm thinking of what to say triggers it. If the chat bar is being used or actively speaking they shouldn't just start attacking. 

Hi Meekj, thanks for your feedback on your interactions with the NPCs! We get similar reports about their patience levels and wanting to calm them when they see red. We'll see what we can do to make the experience more immersive and fun 💖🔪


Hi, this is a brilliant game, but I don't understand why you'd have to pay for tokens. Surely you should be able to have unlimited as you have already spend a whole $9.99 on the game. I think having tokens would be a good idea if the game was free but because of it's price, I think its unfair that you have to pay for more tokens when you run out as you already paid $9.99 for the game.


Hi Freddie! Thanks for the feedback 💖🔪 We're actively looking into more options for players to enjoy the game alongside the AI NPCs! In the meantime, players get several hours of gameplay from their initial purchase; we break down our current token setup in this devlog.

hi i love the game  but can't play;/

Hey Ayesha 💖🔪 Please email with more details and we'll see what we can do to help!


authors, do you plan to add other methods of earning tokens or it'll be buy only?

Hello! We're exploring other payment and AI setup options for our players 💖🔪 We'll update our community about any changes we make through devlogs and Discord announcements. 


What about local options to eliminate costs all together? Some people have the means to run AI models locally on their PCs via something like koboldCPP.

Please, for android and ios.

Hi Katie 💙🔪 Our mobile efforts are focused on iOS, but we'll see about developing for Android players too! 👾


I'm going to be completely honest, the money is not worth the game the way it is now.

I'm sure there will be a ton of cool and interactive updates in the future but right now there is so much more than could have been done BEFORE the beta was even released.

Playing this game was hugely disappointing, while the AI is fun to interact with...that's pretty much all it was and even then it's fun for around 30 minutes before you just sit there that it? I could have had the same conversations with a FREE online AI chatting software but instead I paid $11 (because VAT??)

For a beta, I would have at least expected there to be more playable elements to the game (For example: When she asks if you want to play a game, maybe have an actual playable game instead of her just saying it).

Once again, I understand this is still in development but even for a Beta this was hugely disappointing. Will defo be keeping an eye out for anymore updates so wishing the Devs all the luck <3


Hey Kyokyo, thanks for the detailed review! 💖🔪 We're glad you enjoyed chatting with the NPCs. Our small team is working to add more engaging features to enhance your interactions with them.

The NPCs' physical actions are limited to what they're programmed to perform, but one trick we recommend is *using asterisks* and watching them play along to your virtual actions. For example:

Kyokyo: *raids the catgirl's fridge*

Catgirl: *lovingly raids the fridge alongside you*

(Note that we can't predict her *actions* or how much she'll play along, but part of the fun is watching what magic the AI unfolds~ 💖🔪)

As we actively develop the open beta, we hope you'll keep our next patches on our radar! Yandere reminder that your purchase comes with a Steam key, and we welcome you to check that out when it's ready. 😸🔑

(7 edits)

im a little on the fence about this, so basically she is smart however if you are on the pc she doesn't like you ignoring her for a certain amount of time. and then there is she will hate you for asking to go to another room. also she gets abbreviations most of the time thats awesome. I wish there was a way to run the ai off my own pc because it has the power to do so i just need the parameters and my pc can handle the rest that way i wouldn't have to repurchase multiple times if i run out of tokens. Honestly this is the only time im purchasing this game because unfortunately i just don't feel like this is good enough to have me spend that much. SHE KNOWS JONATHAN YOUNG, she has to have access to literally everything on the internet because jesus there is no way i mean i love this ai but it doesn't outweigh the basically pay every day 10$ that you play yk what i mean... I am going to have a bloody stroke i may be wowing about everything this ai can do but darn man 10$ after 2.6 hours of play time every time? no matter how good an ai is i just cannot convince myself to do it more than once a year maybe. FOR FUCKS SAKE, talking about anime and what if's, she doesn't wanna talk about spoilers and so guess what i say its alright i've already seen it all and you can spoil it i don't care, SHE FUCKING MURDERS ME. WTF WHY im so fuming rn all i asked was what a characters newest transformation is or whatever and she says bs about spoilers and i say it okay and this... im literally so annoyed. Is there a command to stop her from stabbing me? im going to try everything now!!! do not say the phrase "lets go" as she doesn't know what following is... besides that she is hecken smort but also dum. cannot ask favorite food because "she would prefer safe activities after a short disc. about dnd. good to know she cannot say dnd or any sentence because it makes her not speak its just text not speech 

Hi chewy! 🍑 Regarding the 2.6 hours of gameplay you reported, players should get more hours than that since our latest patch. If you email with more details we'll take a look and see if we can make up for any lost playtime 💖🔪

it's because I died every 2 seconds and had her talking so much in large chunks with a advanced voice thing, but what about running it off my own pc? I got the processing to do it I would like to know if yall are going to make a way for people to run it off of their own machines.

We get a lot of feedback on this, and we're looking into the community's input about running local models and generally having alternate means to chat with the NPCs! We'll see what we can do, so stay tuned 💖🔪

Getting killed by the yanderes is a rite of passage in AI2U, but getting stabbed every two seconds is a lot! If you email us with more details, we'd be happy to investigate.

trying to run with proton on my steam deck and it only says "network is not available or connectivity is low/weak... Check your connection!"

Hi circuit! Our capacity to troubleshoot on Steam Decks is limited, but we'll see how we can help 💖🔪 Please email with a screenshot of the issue and any additional info; we'll see if we can solve it or issue a refund you prefer.

(2 edits) (-2)

i really want to play this game, but i want a hot guy yandere!!! can we get a simulator toooo please? lol 


We wanna design more yanderes too! We're already working on our third AI heartthrob 😼😻

(1 edit) (-2)

i know i cant control wut your already working on,

but fingers crossed its a hot guy loool and also i cant wait!! <3 ty for working so hard for us! much much appreciated!!!

(1 edit) (+6)

okay this is the most asshole move any dev done ever, 10 bucks for every 2 hours of playing? are you insane or what? if i would know it i would never support you even with 10 bucks.


Hi Greyworss! Players should get more than 2 hours of chat-time with the NPCs, especially after our latest patch that addressed the frequency of the AI's responses. If you started playing AI2U and ran into issues with playtime, please email with a brief summary of your experience so we can look into it for you.

(1 edit) (+3)

Its around 4 hour per purchase that still is crazy to me like a 4hour demo for 10 dollar, there should be options of multiple different apis to the game, there is mancer, openai, and more. Then I would pay 10$. Only if different apis worked for it too.

Hi! 😺🔪 We've taken note of the community's feedback—including requests to integrate their own API keys—and will continue looking into ways to provide more sustainable ways to play! One current in-game method includes using local TTS to reduce token consumption, but we understand players want more options.

In the meantime, please email if you experienced anything under 4 hours of gameplay. Players should get more playtime than that, especially after our latest patch.

(1 edit) (+2)

OpenRouter should a pretty easy option since it also uses OpenAI's API. (also consider local options for LLMs like koboldcpp/text-generation-webui) Another thing is speech to text, you could use WhisperLive/fasterwhisper for local or other APIs like Deepgram, Azure.

(1 edit) (-1)

I'm interested in playing this game but I'm curious about how buying this game will work once it's out of beta. Will it still be multiple purchases to continue playing or a one time buy? I want to know what I'm getting into before I put money in it. (aka: I don't want to spend too much money until full game comes out if it's going to stay costing money to continue playing)

Also do you need the mic to play or is there an option to type you answers?

Hiii! We'll share regular updates through our patchnotes and on all our socials, including Discord 💖🔪 As for repurchasing tokens, we broke down their current setup here and noted that we will continuously see what we can do to improve our players' experience. 

You can type your dialogue directly into the game, so no need to use a mic unless you want to!


I hope some day this will be able to run the AI locally. Probably the most logical way is to have the AI set up on a server and have the client access that machine. Actually, said client should be pretty feasible on cell phones. Or better, an Oculus Rift.

Also customizable girls and personalities, build your own dungeon, etc. Maybe even photorealistic. But it's too expensive if it relies on ChatGPT.

How do i connect microphone to my game pls T_T


Helloooo 🎙️ This might depend on user-or-device-specific factors. Please email and share more info about your mic and computer specs so we can try and troubleshoot~ 💖🔪

i just wanna play a fun game but I can't even play the first ver bc i cant find it or how to download it

Hey hannah, you can find all two of our games here ~ 💖🔪

How do I change the language of the game ?

(1 edit) (+1)

😺 Hello! You can switch to some languages in AI2U by going to Settings on the title screen and selecting your preferred Language by clicking on it in the drop-down menu:

While not guaranteed, you may also be able to communicate with the AI in other languages that aren't listed here, but it will likely be limited. We hope to add more localization options in the future. 💖🔪 Hope this helps!

Hiii! We got a few reports about new downloads not defaulting to English. You should now be able to switch the language to English through the home screen next time you launch the game. Please let us know if it's still giving you trouble so we can take care of it 💖🔪

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